Unlock your career by embracing your purpose

"I've climbed up the ladder in a high-growth startup but feel uninspired and am not sure how to create structure on how to grow my career in a different direction."

Here's what I've learned in the past 5 years of coaching senior leaders who seek to grow their career in a purpose-driven way: at some point, you feel stagnant and are no longer fulfilled in your role.

You've developed a number of powerful skills, and now it's time to repurpose those in a role that fills you up.

Here is how you can start to discover your unique passion and purpose.

1) Set aside some time for self-reflection and exploration and tap into your curiosity mindset. Pretend you're an anthropologist studying YOU.

2) Take 5-10 minutes of meditation to disconnect and go in. Light a candle, cuddle with a blanket, and fully relax.

3) Grab your journal and answer these prompts with an open mind and heart, no editing or judging: What type of work do I find myself naturally drawn to? What are things I can't stop reading about and talking about? When do I feel most energized and alive in my work? When did I experience effortless success in my work? What was I working on when I was fully in the flow?

4) Now it's time to tap into your left brain and pretend you're a researcher, studying your notes. What common themes or patterns are you noticing?

5) Finally, pretend you're a mentor who is wise, intuitive, and loving (your inner Sage, your Authentic Self). What would you say to yourself if you were your own best friend? What advice would you give her on how to navigate the next best step in her career? Who are you noticing she is becoming?

Your career is not just about what you do, but who you are becoming along the way.

When you stay true to yourself in your work, you create a ripple effect. We all will benefit from you expressing your unique gifts! ✨

#CareerDevelopment #PurposeDrivenLeadership #PersonalGrowth #Authenticity #SelfDiscovery #LeadershipJourney #PassionAndPurpose #CareerEmpowerment #UnlockYourPotential #HappierAtWork #CareerSuccess #LeadershipDevelopment #PurposeDrivenWork


The Purpose-Driven Career Journey - Newsletter March 2024


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