Morning meditation from Ocean Beach to you.

Open to the strength within you, the peaceful energy that lies beyond the clutter and chaos of the world around - our work, family, community, the people we interact with or we hear about.

Open to the peace that lies beyond the desire to control things, to live in a perfect world.

Open yourself to the peace that’s underneath the frustrations and stress of your unmet expectations.

Our inner strength never goes anywhere despite our perception that it might do so. Just because our eyes might not see it, and our exhausted senses might not feel it, our endless, warm, loving divine energy is always within our reach. Even when lights are out, in the darkest moments, we know that sun’s warmth and power are still present at that very moment.

It won’t be long till we’ll see the sun again. Perhaps darkness is not a reason to despair. But rather, a time to rest and accept the imperfections of our situation, of our human nature. A time to gather the strength we perceived as being gone or lost or depleted. A time to reflect on how pain and feeling lost are the very source where strength and love and compassion are born.

Gather your peace, strength, power of hope, and inner joy. Go out and ✨ shine ☀️ today 💕




THANK YOU (for embracing YOUR gifts)