I gave a podcast interview recently, and I was asked if I have a mantra. What came to mind is Joseph Campbell’s line “the privilege of a lifetime is to be who you are.” It truly is a *privilege* to think and act from the heart. Since I’ve started my own business, I’ve been feeling so free, so exhilarating to experiment with ideas and ways of working. More than that, I have slowly discovered my own voice, the freedom of authenticity I’ve craved back in the corporate world, where for whatever reason I felt silenced, constricted, my talents barely uncovered, my deepest creativity barely tapped. 
In my 40s, I readily embraced my woman power, and have taken the lead on my own journey, and kissed conventional wisdom goodbye, in favor of my soul’s wisdom.


We’re here to take our own journey, to build our authenticity muscles and embrace our unique and powerful role in the ongoing creation of the world. 

When you find yourself wondering “is this it?” it’s a sign you’re in exploration mode, and that you’re about to take a leap in your journey. Your subconscious is already scanning and searching for the next step. 

I found myself stuck at that inflection point for a long time. If you’re there, allow yourself to pause, take a breath, and realize you’re about to go on the next stage of your life. All it takes is a “yes”, an acceptance of the possibilities that are about to open up to you. 

If taken, the next step on your journey will separate you from your old world, and trials will begin. When we’re open to the Call of Adventure, the next stage will pull us with ease, with an irresistible power. And then, “what formerly was meaningful may become strangely emptied of value” (Joseph Campbell, The Hero with a Thousand Faces). _
Are you feeling the call to your next adventure? I’d love to know what it sounds like for you!

#adventure #goals #visionboard #happiness#journey #herosjourney #coach #authenticlife#expressyourself #manifest #soul #creator#womanonamission #motivation #coach#lifecoach #creative #happylife #success#freelancer #inspiredaily #inspiration #selfhelp#intentions #purpose #josephcampbell#pathofhappiness


