My 5 metta-practices for success
Growing up in Romania under a communist regime, I witnessed people following predetermined, secure career paths established as early as high school, with little room for independent choices or self-expression. After leaving Romania at age 23, I sought a path of thriving & purpose versus surviving & complying, allowing myself to slowly uncover what I’m about and who I can become.
Recently, as I looked back on my career pivot with a researcher’s lens, I reverse-engineered my steps, and identified key practices that supported me in staying grounded.
These “meta-practices” will help you build an inner system to stay aligned and confident.
✨ Practice #1: HONESTY & CLARITY
Be honest about what you stand for, the core values you will never compromise on. Identify your purpose - work you love, you’re good at it, and in service of something larger than yourself. Create a vision statement for your next career stage from this place of purpose.
✨ Practice #2: COMMITMENT & DRIVE
Connect to intrinsic motivation inspired by your vision, not by goals you don’t believe in. Discipline doesn’t work without genuine inner drive. Research indicates that extrinsic motivation (money, status) is unsustainable as it influences behaviors for the wrong reasons. Stay committed by setting an intention everyday to take a step toward your vision.
✨ Practice #3: “SAGE” MINDSET
Fear is a life force that amplifies what might go wrong in the future, making you feel stuck or overwhelmed. Practice deep inner work to remain grounded and self-compassionate when fear takes over. Check in regularly and trust your intuition (not your fear). Connect to a supportive energy of self-compassion and self-empowerment.
When making a career decision, ask yourself - does it come from a place of fear, or purpose? And - a year from now, would I regret not pursuing this opportunity?
Rome wasn’t built in one day. Patiently break your vision into reasonable milestones, establishing a solid foundation. Take consistent (not perfect) small steps in the right direction, and expect the pace will be two steps forward, one step back.
Set boundaries around what’s important. When job hunting, focus on networking and limit time spent on a detailed 1-year plan.
Along your life’s journey, you likely met people who saw your unexpressed potential before you did. Surround yourself with those who believe you in you even when you don’t, who are a step or two ahead of you on the journey.
Cultivate a ‘care team’ that supports and helps you stay grounded in your purpose, cheering you to advocate your worth and reminding you of your unique gifts.