4 most common energy drainers
We all tend to be dragged down by our own negative thinking, which is fundamentally born out of our fear, and our desire to avoid risks.
What we often forget is that we don't have to believe our own negative assumptions and old beliefs.
Here are 4 common energy drainers I hear in coaching sessions, and one thing you can do about each:
1. You avoid confrontation. If you're in a meeting when you really wish to share an insight you have but are stuck worrying about pissing someone off, remind yourself that your idea is a potential important lever to making a real impact.
2. You avoid making decisions when you're not sure what to do - acknowledge that making decisions can be scary for anyone. If you're really not ready, it's ok to schedule a time to focus and make a decision.
3. You find yourself replaying events when you wish you acted differently - remind yourself that reflecting on your behavior is helpful only if you make a point to identify what you've learned. Then move on, don't get stuck in the past. Stay in the present.
4. You find yourself not believing you are capable to create the life you desire - remind yourself that fear is part of the human condition. We all deal with it. Hope and optimism are learnable EQi skills, useful to tackle our negative bias.
Becoming aware of your energy drainers is a huge foundational element in deepening your personal growth and leadership skills.